Milano Bedding torna al Salone del Mobile 2025: un nuovo divano letto e rinnovate soluzioni trasformabili per un relax perfetto.
Milano Bedding torna al Salone del Mobile 2025: un nuovo divano letto e rinnovate soluzioni trasformabili per un relax perfetto. Marsalis, design Christophe Pillet Design, comfort e funzionalità sono le parole chiave di Milano Bedding per la prossima design week milanese. Prosegue
Trends die gepresenteerd werden op Salone del Mobile in Milaan. Milano Bedding introduceert twee slaapbanken en een gestoffeerd bed met een opbergkoffer.
Nieuwe kleuren en vormen richten de ruimtes in. Milano Bedding presenteert in een ongekende stand zijn converteerbare voorstellen voor woon-, project- en hotelomgevingen. De slaapbanken en opbergbedden worden steeds moderner, comfortabeler en functioneler. De 62e editie van de Salone del M
Design Week 2024: Milano Bedding, with its convertible sofas and beds, between Salone del Mobile.Milano and Fuorisalone.
The Milanese design week, one of the major international stages in the sector, welcomes Milano Bedding for the 22nd consecutive year with sofa beds and storage beds. Milano Bedding, Salone del Mobile.Milano From April 16th to 21st 2024, the Milan International Furniture Fair returns to the
Salone del Mobile 2022: the home of the future is here
Salone del Mobile 2022: the home of the future is here The novelties from the Salone del Mobile include solutions for the living space, which becomes flexible, comfortable and enhanced by multifunctional elements. The sofa, once again, is among the protagonists. Salone del Mobile 2022 The